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Looking to shake up the status quo? So are we. But that comes with seeing things from a totally different point of view. What are we thinking about right now?

Disengagement needs a diagnosis.

Disengagement needs a diagnosis.

Symptoms of disconnection and withdrawal in the workplace run rampant, so the temptation for cheap and quick band-aid solutions is real. For a lasting cure, we need to get at the underlying sources of disengagement – where similar symptoms can have very different roots.

HR and Marketing need to get married.

HR and Marketing need to get married.

Beautiful sparks can fly when these two departments come together in a way that puts employees first. If employer branding campaigns and internal branding are done in a way that merges the best of Marketing’s creativity and HR’s care, everyone wins.

Purpose eats team spirit for breakfast.

Purpose eats team spirit for breakfast.

Fun-at-work shouldn’t be forced, rushed or fake, so while amazing team spirit is a biproduct of deep engagement, it’s not usually where it starts. Instead, a genuine sense of purpose-in-work breeds long-lasting engagement. Then we can watch the fun times roll.

Employee experience is the new frontier.

Employee experience is the new frontier.

For years, customer experience has reigned as king while employee experience remained a distant cousin. But as fate would have it, winning in the marketplace starts with winning in the workplace – making employee experience important territory to claim.

Focus is the x-factor in education.

Focus is the x-factor in education.

Today more than ever, employee attention is an ultra-scare commodity – but it’s one we desperately need for meaningful training and development. Forward leaps happen when we break through the noise and tap into mind space that is focused on what matters most.

Engagement dies when surveys are 'the end'.

Engagement dies when surveys are 'the end'.

Taking time to ask employees their opinion is a waste unless we do it with an intent to act. Inaction breaks trust in leadership. So, while asking smart questions actually builds engagement, we can’t gain valuable ground only to end up sabotaging our progress.

Cookie cutters are a failure of imagination.

Cookie cutters are a failure of imagination.

Since the issues behind disengagement are never identical, removing engagement barriers requires a good dose of innovation. Cookie cutter solutions break down because they’ve failed to imagine the custom ingredients needed for turning a tide with its own idiosyncrasies.

Internal branding trumps external branding.

Internal branding trumps external branding.

Bringing a brand to life inside an organization pays dividends in a way that few other investments can. Dollar for dollar, pound for pound, there’s a higher cycle of return that’s triggered when marketing budgets flow inward as consistently as they flow outward.

Doctors should never treat their own family.

Doctors should never treat their own family.

Proximity can have a way of clouding judgement – especially when it’s time to problem-solve. Emotions and tangled histories get in the way of seeing truth with objective clarity. When it’s time to treat disengagement, bring in the help of external experts every time.


If moving your team in one direction starts with figuring out what’s getting in the way, let’s get together and remove some barriers. We’ll set a course that helps you steer your team exactly where you want to go.

This image shows a large group of people standing together in a crowd to represent employee engagement.